Wednesday, January 31, 2007

GDP grows 9% in FY`05-06

Gross domestic product (GDP) in 2005-06 registered a robust growth of 9%, compared with 7.5% during the previous year.

The GDP, at factor cost at constant (1999-2000) prices was measured at Rs 26,045.32 billion as against Rs 23,896.60 billion in 2004-05. The national income (i.e. net national product at factor cost) in 2005-06 is estimated at Rs 22,952.43 billion as against Rs 21,033.5 billion in 2004-05 showing a rise of 9.1% during the year.

According to quick estimates of national income consumption expenditure saving and capital formation 2005-06, released by the central statistical organization today, the 9% growth in 2005-06 has been achieved due to high growth in agriculture, forestry and fishing (6%), manufacturing (9.1%), construction (14.2 %), trade, hotels & restaurants (8.2%), transport, storage and communication (13.9%), financing, insurance, real estate & business services (10.9%), and community, social and personal services (7.7%).

The other significant economic indicator, per capita national income, registered a 7.4% growth during the period mentioned above. The per capita income in real terms is estimated at Rs. 20,734 for 2005-06, higher than the corresponding value in 2004-05, which stood at Rs 19,297.

The per capita private final consumption expenditure (PFCE) in 2005-06 works out to Rs 18,718 at current prices, 8.8% higher than Rs 17,190 in 2004-05. At constant (1999-2000) prices, per capita PFCE recorded a 5.35% growth during the period under consideration. The per capita PFCE was Rs 15,265 at constant (1999-2000) prices and Rs 14,489 respectively in 2004-05.

Private final consumption expenditure (PFCE) in the domestic market at current prices works out to Rs 20,720.79 billion in 2005-06, 10.58% higher than Rs 18,737.29 billion in 2004-05. At constant (1999-2000) prices, the PFCE works out to Rs. 16,898.61 billion in 2005-06 as against Rs 15,792.55 billion in 2004-05.


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